Life Adventure

Wet Bouldering

Splash into Adventure!

Wet Bouldering, Mourne Mountains

Rocks, rivers and lots of fun!

Get ready for an exhilarating wet bouldering experience in the stunning Mourne Mountains! Enjoy an adventurous blend of rock and water as you climb through boulder-strewn mountain rivers and leap into refreshing pools. You’ll be guided through everything from how to move on rock to safe jumping techniques. Suitable for all skill levels and a brilliant team-building or group activity. Dive in and discover a whole new way to experience the Mournes!

UNESCO Global 
Geopark Partner

Instructor led

Epic mountainside

Perfect for groups
& teambuilding

Shower &
changing facilities

Booking Options


Adventure made easy!


More than just an adventure!

From Corporate Team-Building to Youth Groups or Parties; Let us create a bespoke adventure experience that your group won’t forget!

Get in touch here to find out more!  




User friendly


Suitable for all abilities


Top of the range


Suitable for
ages 8+


Perfect for Groups

What to Expect

You’ll kick off with meeting our instructors at our Castlewellan Adventure Centre. They will give an introduction to the activity including what equipment you’ll be using and safety instructions. You’ll receive all the kit that you’ll need and have full use of our centre facilities. Then, it’s off to dive in!

A Stunning Location

Located in the stunning Castlewellan Forest Park, on the edge of the Mourne Mountains and amid the Mourne Gullion Strangford Geopark, our centre’s perfectly situated for a unique range of inspiring adventure activities… whether you wish to Go Further, See More or simply Feel Awesome!

mountain bikers castlewellan forest park

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